Senior Social Group at valentines event

Blue Minibus with LSS staff

London Senior Social was created to provide seniors with social activities and to give over 60’s a social link within their community by creating day care events for seniors who feel lonely, isolated or would like to meet new people and learn new skills.

London Senior Social is an inclusive group that embraces all cultures and ethnicities.

We believe in equality of all and champion individual human rights irrespective of:

  • Religion
  • Sexuality
  • Gender
  • Status – Refugee, Asylum seekers,
  • Mental health
  • Disability

We are based in Southwark and operate across London, so if you or a loved one are interested in joining in our friendly senior social activities in Southwark, please get in touch today.

Contact us

Our Dedicated Professionals

London Senior Social comprises of a team of staff/volunteers who have over 25 years specialist skills and knowledge in Dementia support/Alzheimer care with lived and work experiences combined.

We also support those who are predisposed to mental health issues, such as anxiety/depression and those with reduce mobility.

Our team consists of Day Care Manager, Mental Health Nurse, Therapeutic Activity Coordinator and Benefit Check Advisor.

London Senior Social ethos is to champion the cause of seniors by reducing social isolation and promoting inclusiveness crating a safe and welcoming space for all.



3 staff ladies from London Senior social





Meet Our Founder

London Senior Social was born to create a more flexible and accessible service for the most vulnerable older people within Southwark.

As a support worker a part of my role, is to ensure day care members are taken to their homes safely after attending day centre and over the years they have shared their thoughts with me, highlighting an important fact – older people want to interact and remain active just like everyone in the community.  Some older person would say “I sit and watch the four walls all weekend or just sit by myself and watch television.”

One lady once told me that she was so lonely she had not talked to anyone for the entire weekend!!  Another lady who lives at a shelter home said she still felt lonely because people don’t come out of their rooms and socialise.

In addition, family members would voice their frustration of having to cope with caring for their senior loved one, particularly on the weekend, as they themselves would like a bit of respite after working Monday to Friday and just needed a break and would like a safe and appropriate social group their parent could attend on the weekend.

They all expressed their wish of having a support system in place where they would feel comfortable to leave their senior family member for the day without the guilt of having their loved one sitting at home all day.

London Senior Social listen and answered the call that older people and family and carer were requesting and created LONDON SENIOR SOCIAL.  championing the cause of seniors by meeting people at their point of needs


Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things


Brenda Wade

CEO and Founder





When I and my mum use the service, we both receive a wonderful gift....

When I and my mum use the service, we both receive a wonderful gift. Mine is peace of mind knowing she is safe and being well looked after. So, I can let go of being a Carer. Florence/Kayode (Nurse)   |     |  

I feel like I am a part of the society...

I used to feel trapped in my house after staying home for the entire weekend, now I am out and about I feel like I am a part of the society. Kathleen (LSS member)   |     |